Teach Me (Elaborated)


“And the seeds we’ll plant will be even deeper & more meaningful than ‘political views’. Teach me how to conquer self, lead unselfishly..teach me that even my life is not my own. Teach me to love my brothers & sisters whom I see every day just as much as I love God and cannot physically see. Teach me how to show genuine love to those who plot on my downfall. Teach me how to break hate with constant acts of love. Teach me that giving in secret & without expecting anything in return is more pleasing to God than praises from man. Teach me to glorify God in everything that I do.”@tye_remone

I’d call it ideal. Someone keeping you accountable not only because it’s what they believe in but also because they care and foresee a greater you, often times greater than you see in yourself in those short-coming moments. What man can turn his back? What man can hide negative intent from his backbone? Teach me how to overcome myself. With every flaw shown instead of having an “ah ha moment”, you chose to show me a road of progression. Pessimism is not of your nature. Even in our lowest of times my heart won’t allow me to abandon you. You are an advocate of my good. How dare I find a second to ask who sent you? You constantly guide me to good soil. And in those natural times that we’re not on the same ground, grant me only a moment for the love you’ve sown in the past to manifest, to correct my love in the present, and rejuvenate ours. You understand how I thrive. Keep your concrete valuables, they refuse to cultivate anything within me. Give me a part of you that’s a daily battle to keep alive in myself, faith that I can exist in being my greatest self.